Recap of ISTA and PMDay 2015 Bulgaria

Recap of ISTA and PMDay 2015 Bulgaria

Last week I was attending 2 events that were somewhat related to Agile, and I want to share a quick recap of the most important points I got from them. ISTA ISTA is a conference that has been targeting primarily software (quality) engineers and the topics in the past years were predominantly technical. Therefore, I was very surprised to discover…

FAQ Series: ProductOwners

FAQ Series: ProductOwners

Good knowledge of Scrum rules is necessary but by no means sufficient for being a good ProductOwner (PO). This role is extremely important for the project and for the product overall since a job well-done could turn your company into a leader in the business while otherwise sending you behind all your competitors. This implies a lot of additional requirements…

Is Agile Just a Hype?

Is Agile Just a Hype?

There is a lot of talking about Agile especially in the IT industry, and I hear many people saying: it’s the currently fashionable way to approach software development and it will eventually pass. Let me share some of my thoughts on why I don’t think Agile is just a hype. The evolving concept of Agile First of all, let’s look…

We have a speaker at ALE 2015

We have a speaker at ALE 2015

We are happy to share that one of us – Zornitsa, will be among the speakers at ALE2015 un-conference , which is held in Sofia this year. Zorry will be sharing how her coaching skills helped her in the role of a manager to support her team’s transition into the world of Agile. In addition to a really nice and…