We are happy to invite you to a 1-day training “Introduction to Agile Concepts”. When: 29 January 2016, 9:30 – 17:00 | Where: Sofia, 93 Haydushka gora Str. | Price: 149 EUR | Language: Bulgarian | Target Audience: Project or Team Managers, team members who want an introduction to Agile To register for the training or for more information, send us an…
Recap of ISTA and PMDay 2015 Bulgaria
Last week I was attending 2 events that were somewhat related to Agile, and I want to share a quick recap of the most important points I got from them. ISTA ISTA is a conference that has been targeting primarily software (quality) engineers and the topics in the past years were predominantly technical. Therefore, I was very surprised to discover…
True or False: 7 Myths about Agile Teams
One of the fundamental paradigms in Agile is around self-organizing teams. It is a concept that creates both enthusiasm and frustration in leaders and employees, and the reason is that people usually have very different mental images of what a self-organizing team actually is. In this blog post, I want to comment on a few statements that I sometimes hear…
Explore Change, Challenge, and Opportunities @ PMDAY Bulgaria 2015
This year PMDAY Bulgaria is focusing a lot on change and transformation, and they are also living it! The format will include a lot of interactive workshops, and Agile is also a topic of interest. Let’s meet there and talk about change and the challenges and opportunities it brings. Check out my session and the other great speakers and workshops…
FAQ Series: ProductOwners
Good knowledge of Scrum rules is necessary but by no means sufficient for being a good ProductOwner (PO). This role is extremely important for the project and for the product overall since a job well-done could turn your company into a leader in the business while otherwise sending you behind all your competitors. This implies a lot of additional requirements…
Is Agile Just a Hype?
There is a lot of talking about Agile especially in the IT industry, and I hear many people saying: it’s the currently fashionable way to approach software development and it will eventually pass. Let me share some of my thoughts on why I don’t think Agile is just a hype. The evolving concept of Agile First of all, let’s look…
Why Is the ScrumMaster’s Role so Important?
No matter how good a process or methodology is, results are not impressive unless people understand and apply it properly. This is even more true for Agile and it makes the role of the ScrumMaster very important and sometimes quite challenging too. It is definitely not about organizing meetings (oh, yes, I’ve heard that too!) but much more about mentoring and…
What Do Coaching and Agile Have in Common?
In the past weeks, many people who missed my talk at ALE15 asked me to share what it was about, and in my previous post I committed to doing so. Here I am, acting on my commitment 🙂 I named my talk “The adventures of an agile practitioner in the non-agile world” primarily to underline the fact that I was…
ALE15: On Mindset, Transformation, and Learning
This year, for the first time, the Agile Lean Europe (ALE) Un-conference was held in Sofia. From my perspective, this was a very important and exciting event for all agilists in Bulgaria – because it was the first big Agile event in Bulgaria and it gathered a lot of like-minded people in an environment that was provoking open and fruitful…
We have a speaker at ALE 2015
We are happy to share that one of us – Zornitsa, will be among the speakers at ALE2015 un-conference , which is held in Sofia this year. Zorry will be sharing how her coaching skills helped her in the role of a manager to support her team’s transition into the world of Agile. In addition to a really nice and…